Tanks for sale


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well we were gonna do a breeding setup but with work and my need to have another race car we are gonna put it on hold. So you guys get to benefit from it I have I believe 5 40 gallon breeders and 4 20 gallon tall tanks. All were purchased through the dollar per gallon sale so if you missed it now is you chance. The only way I will discount it anymore is if you buy all of them at once and we will talk. So $40 for a breeder and $20 gallon each for the talls. It would probably be easier to email me at hoodrat1972@yahoo.com.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Have the breeders been drilled? Might b interested Inna breeder. Tanks!


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sorry haven't had time to get back on. I know Charlie right....lol Don't worry we will do something on a smaller scale here soon. All the tanks are brand new not drilled still have the stickers on them .