Too much water flow?


Cleaner Shrimp
I've got a couple new circulation pumps attached to a Wavemaker Pro to create some random currents, but I'm concerned there's too much flow from these pumps.

I've got a 55gal with softies, for now. The two new pumps are 800gph and aimed against eachother across the front of the tank (Pump 1&2). I've got a third pump (700gph) aimed across the back (Pump 3). Adding these two new pumps has really kicked up the water flow and I'm concerned that it's too much for the softies. I've attached a video here showing the effect.

For this video, the Wavemaker Pro is set to Gentle currents in Reef Mode. Normally, I have it set on Alternating currents in Reef Mode.


Thanks for any input.


M.A.S.C Club Member
could be to much for softies, if they dont like it you will know. If they dont mind then it will be ok


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Too much is impossible to get in a closed system. even softies and lps can adjust to insane amounts of flow if given time and transitioned slowly. I've has euphyllias in a tank with over 150x turn over, and they loved it.

Michael Rice
Marine Engineers Aquarium Blog
Sent from Tapatalk so excuse my poor English


Cleaner Shrimp
Good to know. Thanks for the advice. I'll see how they endure.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Keep in mind that I haven't tested or perfected a method for acclimating corals to high flow, so yours may not adjust fast enough. I may have simply got lucky with mine, but then isn't that how all aquarium advice goes? Good luck!

Michael Rice
Marine Engineers Aquarium Blog
Sent from Tapatalk so excuse my poor English