Too update or not to update-that is the question.


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So here is the issue.

I have a 250 Red Sea max and as most of you know the skimmers are not great, you have to constantly adjust and frankly I don't have that kind of time with this hot real estate market.
I have found a skimmer thanks to MGILGER and it costs 275.00 that's fits nicely into the back of the tank and according to the reviews is awesome.
Well my tank does have some scratches and I'm wondering do I just get a brand new system or go with the updated skimmer.
Feedback or ideas are welcome, max tank size would be 100 gallons if I update. Let's hear some ideas on the cost of a new system.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Cardinal rule !!!!!!!! If space and money allow (you'll never gain more time lol) ....ALWAYS GET A BIGGER TANK!!!!

scotty b

Butterfly Fish
I replaved the redsea skimmer with a cpr hob one and really like the results, however If you have the funds and time to set up a new tank I would upgrade


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I was extremely happy with my Aquamaxx HOB-1 if you are looking at HOB skimmer options. I used it on a 28g's rated for up to 75 gallons but I can't say for sure how it'd perform on your tank.

All that being said...if you are on the fence about an upgrade and are contemplating replacing existing equipment...might as well upgrade :p

Just keep in mind that your 100 gallon tank will look small in 2 years and you'll want to upgrade again ;)


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Thanks all good points, I don't want to go over 100 gallons as I'm concerned about the floor. I think I will continue to look at some new setups.
What are the odds that you just transfer existing tank contents one to the new one? I have to put the tank in the same place. Do I farm out the contents to smaller temporary tank, like a quarantine and then let the new tank cycle with new sand for a month? OR