Took the plunge :D

Picked up the 225 gallon that WrasseAttack had for sale on here :)

Thanks to Evan and Tyson for all the help it was quite an adventure getting that monster out of the basement

I need to get a few things for the tank still before I get it up and running.....

1) I'm trying to decide between running a fuge only or a skimmer, I here a lot of good about both.
2) I need to a pick up some wave makers
3) Then I will need some sand and rock, I have the sand now from the tank but cant keep it alive so I will either start over or try to keep it alive not sure yet (I hear live sand works WONDERS on your lawn at least thats what the guys at Elite Reef said :))
4) Then I have to decide if I want a FOWLR or a reef tank.... I took my wife to Elite Reef to have her look at the reef safe and not reef safe fish, I kinda like the FOWLR because I like the Triggers Tangs and Warras

Once I get it up and running there will be lots of pics.... I'm sure there will be pics of the build as well :D

I can't wait to bother Evan again to help me with the plumbing haha

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would run a skimmer for sure if you end up doing a FOWLR tank, since you will prob have a much higher bio load than if you were to make it a reef. JMO


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a 40 gallon sump you could do a skimmer and refugium in I also have a aqua c 180 skimmer
It came with a 40 gallon sump that she was running the tank off of....

Question the guy at Elite Reef said he thinks thats under filtration but she ran the tank for years using a 40 gallon sump and a skimmer so what are your thoughts?

Craig were you running that skimmer on your 92 gallon or a different tank?


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
The more filtration the better IMO the system I'm building now is going to be 500 display and 150 gallo
Refugium and 350 gallon sump.

This skimmers on my 92 bow but it's rated at 180 gallons heavy bio load i think it goes up to 250 galloms at med to lite bioload here in a month or so I'll have a swc 250 up for grabs when my other skimmer comes in


M.A.S.C Club Member
MSwift;170778 said:
It came with a 40 gallon sump that she was running the tank off of....

Question the guy at Elite Reef said he thinks thats under filtration but she ran the tank for years using a 40 gallon sump and a skimmer so what are your thoughts?

Craig were you running that skimmer on your 92 gallon or a different tank?
I think Craig might mean you could run two 40g. You could dedicate one just to a fuge and use the one you have for skimming and return pump. I think you'd have enough room for two 40g's under the stand but not positive. Easy to plumb them together.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Craigar;170780 said:
The more filtration the better IMO the system I'm building now is going to be 500 display and 150 gallo
Refugium and 350 gallon sump.

This skimmers on my 92 bow but it's rated at 180 gallons heavy bio load i think it goes up to 250 galloms at med to lite bioload here in a month or so I'll have a swc 250 up for grabs when my other skimmer comes in
DANG....what skimmer do you have coming?!? ;)

Well sold all my cichlids today :) but :( I hate seeing an empty tank in my house...... Now I just have to move the new 225 gallon into my house and get it all plumbed!!!! Not looking forward to moving this tank, and I'm pretty sure I'll need some plumbing help.....

I really want to get sand and water in it by next weekend!!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
MSwift;171594 said:
Well sold all my cichlids today :) but :( I hate seeing an empty tank in my house...... Now I just have to move the new 225 gallon into my house and get it all plumbed!!!! Not looking forward to moving this tank, and I'm pretty sure I'll need some plumbing help.....

I really want to get sand and water in it by next weekend!!!
Just the fish Mike...or everything?!? Looking forward to you getting started. ;)
No just the fish Evan..... I had a guy drive down from the springs, and didnt even try and haggle the price! So now the tank is empty and just sitting in my living room till I can it moved out and the 225 moved in
Yes Tyson the tank is for sale its the tank, stand, canopy, canister filter, hob filter, heater, gravel, lights, air pumps.... It is not reef ready