Trade advice

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So I recently met someone willing to trade me a red sea max130d however he wants both my 24 jbj nano w/ stand and my 29 biocube w/stand for the trade. Do you think this would be an even trade ?
I havent been in the hobby that long and im not sure what fair price really is on the tanks.

Thanks in advance for all your input.

If this is in the wrong spot please move. my apologies


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would make the trade if you were interested in consolidating your 2 tanks into 1. I would also take into consideration that the Red Sea tanks aren't very easy upgrade, and their built in skimmers are tough to get dialed in. You basically have to adjust them daily, at least in my experience with them. As an empty system I would think the 130d has a higher trade value than the 24 and 29, so down the road you might be able to sell it off easier if you ever wanted to upgrade or get out of the hobby. Just my .02


Cleaner Shrimp
I have a RSM 130D and love it with no issues as of yet .. I think they hold their value and are more sought after than a regular tank. I wouldn't trade all three, but gallon for gallon I'd do it. I agree though they are not up gradable, but holding their value, is worth it, and they are an easy system to operate for a new salt keeper.


Cleaner Shrimp
sorry read your post wrong, yes I'd trade the two tanks for the RSM 130D. I haven't had an issue with my skimmer..They are great 1st timer tanks.
I do want to consolidate into one tank and I love the look of the rsm. I am in an apartment so the bigger drilled tank thing just isnt the direction I currently am looking to go. (When I get a house that will change :)
Im looking to keep it pretty simple so does the 5 gallons between the rsm and the bio 29 make a big difference? If I dont trade it ill be setting it up.

Also thank you everyone for your input. For those who say nah why?
I have a rsm 130d, Isn't the brands you have almost the same thing? (Asking cause not sure of a quality difference) Other than that I tossed the stock skimmer due to the noise and issues but in replacing it found that you have to have an ato on most nano/nano skimmer combos to keep it regular. Also the Ph seems a bit low when all closed up due to the poor air exchange. I use the rsm fan and removed a flap anyway to accommodate the new skimmer to help the problem. But any issue with the rsm I have had can/has be corrected by a relatively simple upgrade here and there.

After reading up just now on this popular question, people like the rsm for its look and high quality vs the bc. Yeah that 5 extra gallons is nice and the tank is built well, mines been going since 2011. With a few upgrades like media basket and skimmer its really clean too, I have had minimal problems other than issues with nutrients I caused (nutrient export in the back is a pain without a media basket and regular cleanings). The fans go out eventually (but easy and cheap to upgrade and replace) and lights need to be replaced 9 months - 1 year, algae grows well after that. I added more lighting, the moon lights are terrible in the rsm but it needed a small boost for the light hungry corals anyway, stock lights can keep about 80% of coral. You cant keep a sump inside due to the mdf stand, but you can build a real stand and add one later.

Final verdict, at first I would have thought you should keep both tanks but after reading and realizing the rsm does has its advantages. What it would come down to is how old is the rsm/what version and is it used and or have any issues. I personally wouldn't trade my rsm for 2 new jbj/oceanic bc's, but that's because its issue free and its been a great tank. Hope that helps, feel free to pm or post any rsm questions. My Tank progression is here! , the words are useless and boring but the pictures are cool :)
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Unfortunately the guy whom I made the deal with dropped off the face of the earth right after we arranged to meet up. Needless to say I hate dealing with Craigslist people. Everytime I have had to deal with people from masc it has been fantastic so thanks to all of you who make this forum such a friendly place.
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