Turboflotor 5000 Shorty II for sale


M.A.S.C Club Member
Alright so as some of you may know I'm breaking down the tub. Well the stand under the new tank is too small for the skimmer I was using. This skimmer is probably like 4 or so months old, fairly new still. Rated up to 500 gallons. I got a smoking deal on it from someone here and Ill return the favor. Ill do 125 on this monster of a skimmer!!! For more information - http://www.aquacave.com/turboflotor-5000-shorty-ii-29brprotein-skimmer-by-aquamedic-1018.html

Couple pictures of it during breakdown



M.A.S.C Club Member
Also I know its very short notice but ill be going to elite reef either tomorrow or early next week and I can take it there for anyone in denver that might be interested.