upgrade question

im going from a 46 gal to a 75 gallon
its my display tank reef

now i have a 55 gallon thts been cycling about 300lbs of rock for about a year now running off of just 20 mechanical filters rated for 60 gals
i want to use some of the rocks from here for my display
however the parameters in that tank are all out of whack.
there are no fish or crabs or anything in there

now inorder to use some of those rocks when i upgrade do i need to to fix parameters in the cycling rock tank first for it to be safe or should i be able to soak them in ro and add em right in..

i just need advice on how i can add them to my upgrade display tank safely without it throwing parametrs out of whack cause my corals..


M.A.S.C Club Member
depends on what you mean by out of whack and why?

if there is ammonia, nitrites, or high phosphates, i would fix that.

but if those are fine and it's just high nitrates, that could be because you're not changing the water much. it would also confirm their is good bio filtration with them. they may be safe to throw in right in.

have they had lighting?


M.A.S.C Club Member
also i would not dip/soak live rock in freshwater. you can dip them in a bucket of fresh saltwater before transfer if you want.