Upgrading lighting for 55 gallon


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I currently have an off brand 4 x 54w t5 fixture over my 55 gallon tank. There are not individual reflectors on it. I have hairy mushrooms growing like crazy along with a kenya tree. I also have a couple zoa's that seem to be doing pretty well, but I am wanting to start putting SPS corals or possibly a clam in my tank. I have been told by a LFS that the lights would not be strong enough. I have found conflicting information on this so I turn to you all!

If I were to upgrade lighting what would be a good choice? I have looked into the MH/T5/LED combo and like the looks of that or would a 6 bulb t5 be a better choice? I'm open to any and all information and ideas.


This is a difficult question.

I am assuming this 55 is not that tall. my guess is that the 4 bulb prolly wont do a great job with SPS. That said, perhaps if you add reflectors, nice bulbs and move the SPS to higher parts of the tank it might.. I'm sure a good 6bulb T5 system, like a TEK would be fine... I ran SPS in my 125 with the 8 bulb with little difficulty, I now have LED radion set... mainly bc im alittle crazy and wanted to add alot more $$ to my credit card.

So LED my guess way too expensive and a nice T5 set would be sufficient.
MH are great, but I dont think they are needed in your system, unless you want to carry the hardest SPS to grow..Plus the other things, heat, expensive, frequent bulb changes...

My vote: 6 bulb T5 system should work with no problems.



M.A.S.C Club Member
t-5`s can support SPS growth if kept within the top 3rd of the tank. if it was me i would buy an inexpensive SPS frag and add it to the system to try with the current lighting if it makes it great if it starts loosing color or dying time to get better lighting.


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I have a 6 bulb tek t5 over my 75. I usually only run all 6 bulbs for 4 hours at a time. I have sps on the bottom of the tank. Good bulbs and a reflector is the ticket. T5's have way more power than people give them credit for. IMO