I have some algae that I cant get rid of including bryopsis, I have been able to manage it to this point but with business keeping me away a lot lately I don't want it to get out of control. I have used sea hares in the past however I have tried three in the last two months with very little success. My next option is to try to cause harm to the algae to the point that my cuc crew will go after it, this is apparent when I calc paste the algae it sustains major harm and the cuc devours it. The draw back to this method is I cannot get to many areas where it grows and do not wish to calc paste next to corals like my OEM chalices. So my thought was to carbon dose to the point I can cause damage to the algae and the cuc can finish it off. So question number one is how much to dose? My phos and nitrates are 0 and stay there consistently but I have a large refugium that is likely striping those numbers down. The tank is 225 with another 140 in sump and refugium. So how much should I dose? If you have used it in the past how much have you dosed? Did it work? Draw backs? I have a few really nice corals and would hate to cause harm so I need to make sure I do this correctly. Advice needed! Thanks!