Wanna Trade?


M.A.S.C Club Member
So I really want a bigger tank... And I have one, but it just won't fit in this house. So I was thinking maybe someone here has something that might work. I currently have a BioCube 29 that is up and running and love the look of cubes. So if anyone has a bigger cube tank that would like to trade for my 75 gallon(not reef ready) tank, well that would be swell. I also have a 30gallon long I just got you could use for a sump/refug.

I know this could/is be a long shot, but I can't sleep and my brain is a churning.

Fingers crossed...


M.A.S.C Club Member
Never know, I traded a 250 that my wife bought us for Christmas and would not fit in our house for a 150 with closed loop.
Not as big, but didn't have to tear out walls and the stairs of my great grandparents home to get this one in.

Worth a shot, good luck.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I am looking at not spending any cash as I poor. Would really like a trade for a 50 or 60 gallon cube, tank and stand. LIke I said long shot but, nothing beats a failure but a try.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hail Mary Bump...