Want to "rent"/trade for/buy a sea hare


M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Anyone has a sea hare that has done its job and cleaned your tank from GHA? I am looking for one to help with GHA in my frag tank. I am currently working on the cause of the problem but wanted to speed up the process of eliminating visible algae from my frag tank. Please let me know. Compensation can be cash or frags. Thanks!

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Balz3352;321898 said:
I've heard that saltwater acclimated mollys will eat hair algae.... They also will not eat corals.. Just a thought
I have also heard this as well. I also know Keys Island sells mollies already acclimated to salt as well for I want to say pennies on the dollar (maybe $3 or something cheap like that)