What do you feed your fish/corals?


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I am currently using a frozen mysis and a bit of "premium Reef" which is supposed to have many different meats [krill, oyster, etc]. I put it in a small cuisinart that is barely working to get the chunks smaller. I use a baster using only the top portion for corals and then give some large pieces to the anem making sure he grabs them. I keep it very brief and do this 2x a day. I also add small amt [1 10th of phytoplankton dose for a 55] and some trace elements 1x weekly. I also give a micro dose of [bad Jody] Reef Roids once every couple of weeks. This will be reduced since puffer has been orphaned back to fish store as he was a big eater. Of course, Kip could not leave home and return w/o a replacement and we now have a pygmy hawkfish [?] .

I would love to know what you all feed and for how many creatures. Especially since we now have a Derasa clam, hammer coral and I hear that these things use calcium and magnesium etc. I plan to increase my test kits and re-organize them so we can "run with the big dogs" LOL!

So, what is on the menu in your tank??

Thanks in advance for your input.


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The corals will be fine if the alk, calcium and magnesium are in check. Feed your fish as much as they can consume before it falls to the sand. Many people really like amino acids like found in acro power or fuel. The phyto and such may help but should be used sparingly. Fish poo really helps the corals as much as anything else. Feeding too much can lead to phosphate problems so go slow. Phosphate will cause Algae outbreaks that are much easer to avoid than solve after the fact.


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Current fish stock list is Two spot tang, reg and a black occelaris clown pair, 1 green chromis, 3 lyretail anthias, jawfish and engineer goby.
I feed Formula 2 pellets and a bit of pe-mysis in the morning plus small sheet of nori, if I am around I feed some mysis in the afternoon, but that is only maybe 3-4 times a week. In the evening I feed a mix of Elite reefs frozen mix, (great stuff-highly recommend it) plus a bit of extra pe-mysis, and pe-cyclopz soaked in garlic and/or selcon, plus another small sheet of nori. I use a baster to feed the jawfish and goby some of the larger chunks, although goby has started coming out during feeding now, and slowly squirt the rest in for the rest of the fish, letting them eat it all before adding more.
I dont directly feed my corals or nem, although the nem has taken up residence right near where I feed the fish so he always gets some of it.


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I feed my fish a lot!!!

For my 120g I feed 4 cubes every other day of homemade frozen consisting of: Mysis, Krill, cyclopeeze, brine shrimp,nls pellets, silversides, squid, shrimp, cod, scallops, clam meat, ulva algae, red gracilaria algae, selcom, garlic, and spirulina powder.
2x daily nls pellets
and a large leaf of ulva algae for the tangs and angels to snack on. replace once they eat it all.

Stock list for my 120g: Tomini tang, Powder blue tang, Potters angel, Ruby head solentrus wrasse, false leopard wrasse, true leopard wrasse, stary leopard wrasse, 5 lyretail anthias, midas blenny, a pair of mandarin gobies, 4 bar gobies, and christmas wrasse.

my grouper gets 2 cubes of frozen every other day. 1 of mysis and 1 of cyclopeeze (In his own tank)


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well thanks everyone! It sounds like there are as many different feeding regimens as there are members here. It helps to see the quantity of fish that you are dealing with as well.

As was mentioned, I really don't want algae problems so I try to stay on the side of less and I think that is helping.


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Glad to know you think the Elite frozen is good Syn - I noticed they have some live foods there too. Sounds like you have it working really well!