I am currently using a frozen mysis and a bit of "premium Reef" which is supposed to have many different meats [krill, oyster, etc]. I put it in a small cuisinart that is barely working to get the chunks smaller. I use a baster using only the top portion for corals and then give some large pieces to the anem making sure he grabs them. I keep it very brief and do this 2x a day. I also add small amt [1 10th of phytoplankton dose for a 55] and some trace elements 1x weekly. I also give a micro dose of [bad Jody] Reef Roids once every couple of weeks. This will be reduced since puffer has been orphaned back to fish store as he was a big eater. Of course, Kip could not leave home and return w/o a replacement and we now have a pygmy hawkfish [?] .
I would love to know what you all feed and for how many creatures. Especially since we now have a Derasa clam, hammer coral and I hear that these things use calcium and magnesium etc. I plan to increase my test kits and re-organize them so we can "run with the big dogs" LOL!
So, what is on the menu in your tank??
Thanks in advance for your input.
I would love to know what you all feed and for how many creatures. Especially since we now have a Derasa clam, hammer coral and I hear that these things use calcium and magnesium etc. I plan to increase my test kits and re-organize them so we can "run with the big dogs" LOL!
So, what is on the menu in your tank??
Thanks in advance for your input.