What should I do?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Okay so I picked up a complete 120g tank I think deep dimension idk. But here's all the equipment. -120g tank made by all glass aquariums with dual overflows and all the plumbing.
-canopy with cf lighting(may light the tank but doubt it will be strong enough for corals)
-sump with baffles has a space for skimmer return pump and a nice large Refugium.
-very large skimmer with a sedra pump
-return pump don't know anything about it
-two 150 phosban reactors w/ pumps
-and all the tubing plus lights for the refugium.

So I live in a house with three other guys and we have parties about every weekend. Tank this size would have to go in the living room and so I'm sure I would have issues during the parties and that's not to mention the tank still needs sand, rock and proper lighting. I would like a tank though. So I can keep this and set it aside, sell it or trade for a smaller complete set up. If you were in my shoes what would you guys do? Especially those who have larger tanks (largest tank I've owned was 34g). Now for pictures! (freezes every time I try to upload more then one photo so I'll do it in comments)


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Set it up those are great tanksyou can get lightinh pretty cheap. I have a 6 bulb t5 we can work something out im sure


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
That's true, I could do my first stand build. How much do you thing for rock and sand. Then monthly water changes and all that haha. Just so big compared to what I'm used to!


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Does this mean you're not picking up the tank from me that you said you would grab on Friday? Or the corals I fragged as part of the deal?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
aztecdreams;330110 said:
Does this mean you're not picking up the tank from me that you said you would grab on Friday? Or the corals I fragged as part of the deal?
No no that's still on! You never replied so I've just been waiting for the time. It was easy for me to run to foco but up to Denver is a little farther. And I'm working a lot right now so I can learn my new position as quick as possible. But don't worry
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Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would stop throwing parties. I did actually, the inside of my house stays much cleaner now, and I can keep better things.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Skrappy;330121 said:
I would stop throwing parties. I did actually, the inside of my house stays much cleaner now, and I can keep better things.
Haha I live with my landlord who is 20. He likes his parties and girls love hot tubs so I honestly don't mind.
A party is what killed my first tank. The story goes my roommate and one of his army pals were betting on what would kill fish the fastest, pennies or beer and "that's all they remember". Needless to say everything was dead in the tank except a fist full of pennies, 2 beer bottles, a bra and a half eaten hotdog. What got me was where the F did the hotdog come from, we didn't even have any in the house!!!!!

Easy Solution: GET A LID, even if its a temporary "party" lid and if anyone ask tell them your fish have a contagious disease and the lid is to prevent human transmission.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ghxst;330127 said:
A party is what killed my first tank. The story goes my roommate and one of his army pals were betting on what would kill fish the fastest, pennies or beer and "that's all they remember". Needless to say everything was dead in the tank except a fist full of pennies, 2 beer bottles, a bra and a half eaten hotdog. What got me was where the F did the hotdog come from, we didn't even have any in the house!!!!! Easy Solution: GET A LID, even if its a temporary "party" lid and if anyone ask tell them your fish have a contagious disease and the lid is to prevent human transmission.
Ya that's what I don't want! Haha but that would suck! I could make a stand and canopy that I could lock like Craigar suggested.


M.A.S.C Club Member


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Juan is back in the game, That didnt take long lol


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Haha not long at all. Well guys I have to say you've all convinced me to keep the tank. So I'll start planning for the stand and canopy. Never built anything like this before so I'll have to do some research but it'll be a metal frame. I'll slowly get rock, sand and figure out what lights I want for the deep dimension. But hoping to be able to use leds with out breaking the bank. I'll also be looking for a different return pump. I forgot what everyone uses but like the hammerhead whatever pumps. I'll do research! Thanks for all the opinions. Hopefully I'll have some build threads to come shortly.