WTB: 29 or 40b Quarantine (w/filter, light, and heater preferred)

WTB Quarantine Setup...

Tank: 29 or 40b

Filter: sponge or big HOB

Light: just about anything

Lid: preferably glass

Not looking to spend a ton. I have a couple possibilities on CL but nothing perfect. So I though I would check here since many people seem to collect aquariums :) Would like to keep it in the $40 range.

I found a 40b on CL with heater, glass lid, light, and Emperor 400 for $45. Anyone have any opinions on the Emperor 400 for use in a quarantine tank? Wasn't sure if I would just be better off buying a sponge filter somewhere.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I got hosed by three different people on CL last weekend trying to get a couple setups just like you're wanting. Wasted almost an entire day trying to hook up with these people. I have a total LOVE/HATE relationship with CL. Anyhow, just FYI, I got fed up and went to Petco that night before they closed. Picked up a 29g complete tank (top, light, heater, filter) for $65 I think. I was going to post the same thread you just did, but I won't hitchhike. I'm fairly certain unless a couple people on here hook us up with stuff they have/don't need...I'll be back at Petco this weekend. ;)
Well... I snagged a 40 breeder from CL last night! Came with light, glass lid, and Emperor 400 filter for $40. Should serve its purpose! Now only if it didn't take 2 months to make Ich disappear!