WTB 58g oceanic or 65g

Or anything that's in the same size range.

36"x18" any height is acceptable.

(Replacing old tank, I want to use the same stand)

PM me with offers.
Thanks for the reply! I really appreciate it.

My fault for not being more clear.

-I will take one that is drilled or overflowed if it meets my specifications/desires. I have a psuedo ghost overflow I'm constructing so I'm still in the stages that it can be modified.
-I already have all the parts and equipment for a 58 gallon tank. So I'd like at least a 58 or 65. 40 would make some of the equipment too much of an overkill than it already is.
-It has to be the specific dimensions because it took me forever to find a wife approved stand.

I'm actually replacing this tank: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1526171

Once my wife realized how obvious the silicon on the overflow is, it became non wife approved. (Sticks out like a sore thumb she said, lol.)

Thanks for all the reply's and PM's and I apologize for not being more clear.
Pm bush from coral expressions he has my old oceanic tank that was I thought a 57 g might have been 58, but same footprint as a 40b, he may be willing to part with it, its just sitting in his garage
I have a Oceanic sitting in the garage that would be up for grabs. Not drilled, plate glass AFAIK.

Dims are : 36lx18wx21t

PM me if you're interested. It's got a stand btw.