Wtb a nano tank


Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hello was think of getting back into salt water again and was thinking if anyone have nano thank they want to sell a full setup would be great. Please get back with me with price and tank.

thank you


M.A.S.C Club Member
I got a 16g innovative marine with live sand led light, 50 watt heater, in tank media basket, stock pump, and extra koralina powerhead.

Could also throw in some live rock that would fill it up.
I have a 6g possibly an 8g acrylic nano tank with a fluval light, return pump, heater, some live rock in the shape of a tree with red dragons breath macro for the leaf look and some GSP on the bottom for the grassy look. comes with two medium sized clownfish ready to roll. right now its bare bottom besides the GSP only looking for $120 OBO. its posted in the equipment for sale section.