wtb auto topoff controller


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
hey guys as it says i need a auto topoff controller for my ro/di unit pls let me know what you have and how you can help


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Those work if your RO/DI had the preseasure switch, also, just know (research) that they are prone to fail. BRS sells this that shuts off the water if it detects water, I have it and it's great, but doesn't get the water from your fresh water tank to the sump. It's also after the fact - so for me, it's the last and 3rd line of defense against a flood http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store...eak-controller-detector-for-ro-di-system.html

I have these for sale, and they work great. I bought an Apex Controller to tie everything together and don't need them anymore. http://www.marinecolorado.org/forum...ergency-Return-shut-off-or-RO-DI-auto-top-off