WTB: biocube, aquapod, nancube


M.A.S.C Club Member
NOTE: I'm really after any sized tank, im putting it on my end table in my room so not huge haha

I am trying to get back into the saltwater hobby. I got out of it for lack of knowledge and just jumping right into it. I figure one of these fully self contained setups may be good for me.

As of now im just looking and curious about what some of you are charging for a setup, I may be getting money soon, but don't have any currently. ( I can pay a little bit for now, shoot me offers)

I will take really any tank, a self contained tank, or a complete tank setup, just let me know
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M.A.S.C Club Member
I might have a biocube 29 coming up for sale in a few weeks. Not sure on price as of yet, but will keep you posted.


Cleaner Shrimp
I've got a Biocube 8 that's been running great. I just tore it down last week to reduce my number of tanks (still wet but no contents but sand). It needs new bulbs and filter and has a couple of scratches on the glass. But, it's been a great tank for me. Let me know if you just want the tank or if you'd like a heater and power setup (for 3 sets of lights).


Cleaner Shrimp
$50 for the tank, free sand if you want it. Has 1 new fan installed. Everything else stock.
$40 for the power system: Coralife Digital Power Center, Heater (Aqueon Pro 50W, 4 months old) and extra timer for Moon Lights.


M.A.S.C Club Member
And when you say new filter, you mean new media right? Everything works fine in it?

I am interested for sure because it would fit on my end table easily


M.A.S.C Club Member
I should have my biocube empty in a week or two. It is a 29 gallon though is that two big? Every thing works great except the stock lights... Umm well they work just is they are no longer in the hood, i did an LED upgrade but that will be coming with me.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I still have my Stock lights, ballasts, moon lights and reflectors from my bc29. They have about a months worth of use on them. I'd be willing to sell them, if you end up buying his tank without lights.


M.A.S.C Club Member
@KhensuRa- how much could you sell it for?

@asneiman- how much for that setup also?

And for both of you, what could you manage to grow with the bulbs in the tank


M.A.S.C Club Member

After re-reading the above post, Khensura might still have his lights. If you do buy his tank, I would rather see you buy his lights (it's only fair). If he doesn't have them, or if you need replacement bulbs for his, I was thinking $50 for the whole light setup would be a fair price. It would include 2 PC bulbs that have 4 weeks on them, 2 ballasts, the reflectors, the moon light setup etc.... The bulbs go for $20 each new, so for an extra $10 you get everything else.

Something else you would need would be the fans for the canopy. I still have those in mine. I basically removed all of my lights, and added a LED retro-fit.

To answer your other question, you should be able to keep just about anything you wanted to keep, other then maybe a clam. I had SPS towards the top of my tank with the PC bulbs, and they did great.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I still have the whole lighting set-up but it would probably be best to do a rapid led retro. As you need to replace the CF lights twice a year and they are about 40 to 50 bucks for both lights shipped. So at 80 to 100 bucks a year. Get the led retro. If you do you will be able to grow anything you like plus you will have great coloration.

As far as what I grew, I had Zoas, Acans, a green kenya tree and one couple low light SPS that had to be way at the top of the tank.

Just looked up price on a new BC29 and stand. Tank with CF lights like the one have is $270 through amazon and $137 for the stand. Didn't really look for the cheapest stuff.
Tank has a couple scatches and the stand looks a little used, but over all I have taken the best possible care of the tank.
I would like to get $225 to $250. I would cash and trade as well. I am looking for another 120watt 20k led unit as well as a skimmer and return pump.


M.A.S.C Club Member
sorry for stealing your thread. Khensura, how much are you asking for just tank and stand? i dont need lights because i have led kit.


M.A.S.C Club Member
225 to 250... make an offer... i would do a trade as well. Looking for 120watt 20k led set up.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I just bought a 28g nano so I'm selling my 8g biocube. switched to 11 Cree LEDs (6rb, 4cw,1violet). live rock, sand, corals, perc. clown, heater, circulation pump, chaeto, stand. best offer. pm me if interested.