WTB: External pump


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Need an external pump to run my 1/15hp JBJ Mini Arctica chiller; I have an MJ1200 that I tried to run submersed in the rear sump of my tank, but it's too noisy. Looking for something in the 200-300 GPH range with ~6ft head.

I'll be at reefstock, or can meet up in the Denver area.



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
To clarify...the chiller requires around 160 GPH of flow. I'm just estimating that a pump rated to a max of 300 gph and 6ft head would fit my needs as this will be installed on my 28gal nano-cube; I have about 5ft head height as the chiller is installed next to the stand. If I'm wrong on this...please advise. :confused:


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
The flowrate will depend on the pump. But you are on the right track that the majority of the headloss will come from the static head, the remainder of the headloss will be from the piping or tubing size you choose. You can look up the pump curves for any given pump and that will tell you the flow at a specific head.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks for pointing that out...didn't know charts even existed and I was just estimating. I'll have to start looking around online to see what will work for my application; the first pump I looked at seemed to indicate that I underestimated my needs...

edit: seems it does vary a lot from pump to pump. I think something in the 200-300 gph range should work.

The Mag 2 is cheap enough online that I can grab one if necessary, but if anybody has a pump collecting dust I'd gladly purchase it.
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