WTB Heater


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I only had a 150w and 50w heater and had them both in my sump with a fairly stable temp. I came across a cheap 200w heater and when I got it, it had NO way of telling what temp I was setting it at. I'm pretty sure it doesn't work as I have turned it down almost all the way and my temps are still pushing 82 degrees. I threw some ice in the sump and cooled it down a little. With all that being said....

I don't want a super expensive, super elite....I am looking for a good, working, trustworthy heater to cover my 65g tank and a 15g sump (total actual water 60g).

So, yeah. Thanks in advance.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Whats the ambient temp in the room the tank is in, the wattage and type of lights, and the wattage of all pumps? You should probably get a digital heater anyway, but it could be that the ambient temp plus the heat generated by you lights and pumps could be enough to get the tank up to 82.
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Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
This is a possibility, but like I said, the heater has been turned down 2/3's of the way and still kicks on.
I thought about the ambient temp. I don't have AC in my house and the other day it was 83 in the house, but the heater shouldn't still be kicking on.

Worst case, I'm not in the market for a heater, but a cooler and that is one pretty penny I don't want to spend!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Best thing I would do is have the lights turn on later in th day like 4-5 so the lights don't aid in the heat issue. Also I'd run heaters on a controller so u know when they are on.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Definatley get a digital heater, as it looks like the one you have is not working. A chiller is not necessary if your tank is obly getting up to 82. Just get a 10 dollar clip on fan from walmart, set it up to blow air across the water in the sump and make the place that its plugged in easy to turn on or off. Then anytime you notice that the temp is too high, just kick on the fan and it will cool the tank using the same principle as a swamp cooler. Ideally you want this on a temperature controller, but as those are $100 you might as well just but an apex jr for that kind of dough.