WTB Hospital Tank and stand 40 gallon +


Cleaner Shrimp
So, I have an ich outbreak and my rabbitfish has outgrown my QT tank (20 gallons, she was 1 inch when I got her and now is a happy fat 4 1/2 inch fish). I need something large enough to accomodate her and my other fish (2 occys, 2 mandys, 1 neon cleaner, 1 clown goby and 1 diamond sleeper) to allow my DT to be fallow. I am not done stocking on fish yet so I don't want to infect any incoming fish. I have an order with fish that are luckily hard to find, so I think I have at least a month to treat the existing inhabitants and let the DT go fallow.

I'm looking for a tank 40 gallons or larger but no bigger than 60 and some kind of sturdy piece of furniture for it to sit on. I have a 1 year old, or else I'd let it sit on the floor. Any heaters or HOB filters would be a plus. I'm in Littleton, closer the better, the sooner the better. Thanks!