WTB: Lights for small tank, growing softies & lps - trade LED?

I recently purchased a small tank and it came with a par38 LED pendant, but I like flourescent - call me crazy. I would much rather run small T5, VHO or compact lights if anyone has a set that is small enough for me to fit in my canopy. The canopy can fit a fixture which is 20 inches or less. Would LOVE to be able to run at least 96 watts of light for my corals, but I realize this is a tall order.

Would be equally interested in taking off the canopy, buying a fixture which can sit on the tank via legs or clamp. Not looking to spend over a hundred on it, but can pay reasonable price. Might also be willing to trade the LED bulb + pendant fixture (ecoxotic, has 3 white and 2 blue bulbs) - the bulb alone sells for over $100. Must be able to demonstrate that the fixtures work.