WTB: loc-Line Accelerators and 1500 to 1800 gph pump


Cleaner Shrimp
I am in need of 2 3/4 loc-line Accelerators and 2 1/2 loc-line Accelerators

If anyone has a set please let me know, otherwise I'll end up buying from some guy in Hong Kong on ebay and have to wait 2 weeks to get them shipped :(

I need the 3/4 inch the most..

as for the pump, make doesn't matter I would prefer a submersible but it needs to have at least a 18 foot head. If you got one laying around and want a few bucks extra for xmas, let me know..

All of this is for a experiment so I can't spend a ton on it. I'm borrowing a 150 Gal and a 70 gallon for water pressure / wave creation/ emulation tests with a buddy of mine.


M.A.S.C Club Member
18' is alot of any submersible pumps I know. I have a mag 9 for an internal and a Iwaki 70vt as an external (I use the same pump and my calculator shows me at 21' - still have to turn the pump down to about 75%). Might have a accelerator but I'll have to check the size when I get home..pretty sure its a 3/4"