WTB or WTT for icecap 660 ballast/light combo.

I want to supplement my leds with some vho lighting in my canopy. I can pay cash or trade for my MH lighting setup. I have lumenmax elite de reflectrors 250w with ballasts and phoneix 14k bulbs. I don't need a big setup just one ballast and maybe two bulb setup. Thanks, Todd.


Cleaner Shrimp
The 660 is designed to run 4 bulbs. I do have a 660 but no harness. I also have some other ballasts that are complete with end caps.
I am not sure where you are located but I am having a yard sale Saturday in West Greeley.
What other ballast and endcap do you have? And how much? I only want to run a couple bulbs and see how it looks. I'm in S. Denver btw, kind of far from ya. Thanks for the reply though.


i have 2 660 ballast and I all so have a harness for a t12 that is icecap. if you want them you can have all 3 for free. I have some t12 bulbs to that you can have. pmed you


Cleaner Shrimp
I have a ballast and endcap unit that has rubber end caps. Sorry for the delay I have been working on moving.
Not sure that it is worth a drive just for that, but I do have a lot of other stuff.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have 2 ice caps want them gone dont know if they work or not, you can have them. If you feel like throwing a frag of something my way I would be cool with that