Looking for a pico I want something small AIO preferred. Can't sell the 34g RSM so I'm willing to trade something for it. Like it to be scratch free good glass something like a nuvo or cadlights.
Looking for a pico I want something small AIO preferred. Can't sell the 34g RSM so I'm willing to trade something for it. Like it to be scratch free good glass something like a nuvo or cadlights.
Nothing, had a leak I fixed it and no one wants it. I was going to stick it in the garage and cycle it to prove to everyone the tank is sealed, seems to be the problem. And not looking for AIO so much anymore kinda want to drill something but you know I might take her up on that cause I still have the stand for the 8g cadlight tank that I broke and it's not big enough for a good sumo, Im scared to cycle the 34g cause then I'll want to keep it.
Willing to go a good deal for the right doesn't have to be in AIO. Rimless 3-10 gallon tank with lighting would be awesome. I want to drill it and add a sump.