WTB shoal grass or turtle grass


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M.A.S.C Club Member
Was wondering if anyone had any shoal grass or turtle grass that I could buy? completely redoing the tank to make it a natural seahorse habitat. thanks, Matt


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Idk if you would like any fern caulerpa

but Elite Reef just sold me a big handfull for $6. Looks really nice in my biocube that i am going to make into a pipefish/seahorse tank. Grows really fast though, but if you have take good care our of your it wont cause an issue.
I love how the fern calurpa looks but it just goes waaaay to crazy in my tank. Make sure to take lots of pics once your seahorse tank is done.

On a side note, I have never been able to keep turtle grass alive. It needs a really deep seabed. Best bet though is to look on Florida club forums because they usually have tons of this stuff.