Hey Everyone! Seth here figured I should join the local fish forums. But back to the note at hand...
I am looking to buy/trade for any bright colored SPS, Zoas, and odd colorations of uphillia.
What I already have right now:
Bali Green/Yellow Slimer
ORA Green Birdsnest
Odd coloration watermelon chalice
Hot Pink zoas
pastel pink with green eye zoas
pastel pink with yellow skirt zoas
mohawk pallys
reverse space monsters zoas
Purple and gold wall hammer
duncans- purple and green
A few on my want list:
ORA Red Planet
ORA Cali Tort
ORA Oregon Tort
Colorado Sunburst Anemone
Anything bright and colorful
People in the area post here what you have and what you looking for and see if we can get some local trading going on.
I am looking to buy/trade for any bright colored SPS, Zoas, and odd colorations of uphillia.
What I already have right now:
Bali Green/Yellow Slimer
ORA Green Birdsnest
Odd coloration watermelon chalice
Hot Pink zoas
pastel pink with green eye zoas
pastel pink with yellow skirt zoas
mohawk pallys
reverse space monsters zoas
Purple and gold wall hammer
duncans- purple and green
A few on my want list:
ORA Red Planet
ORA Cali Tort
ORA Oregon Tort
Colorado Sunburst Anemone
Anything bright and colorful
People in the area post here what you have and what you looking for and see if we can get some local trading going on.