6line or hovens wrasse are good choices, excellent pest control choices as well, both beautiful fish. Though not sure where in Denver you could get one, AA perhaps
I like the McCosker's Flasher, Linespot Flasher, and Carpenter's Flasher.....BUT.....I really like the Whipfin Fairy, Orange Back Fairy, and the Longfin Fairy.
I think the Whipfin is my favorite
I like the McCosker's Flasher, Linespot Flasher, and Carpenter's Flasher.....BUT.....I really like the Whipfin Fairy, Orange Back Fairy, and the Longfin Fairy.
I think the Whipfin is my favorite
flasher wrasses can be finicky. They are very timid. I recommend looking into the Halichoeres genus wrasses, Cirrhilabrus genus wrasses, or Macropharyngodon genus wrasses.
I have a mccoskers, a blue sided fairy and a yellow coris that all get along fine and everyone eats like crazy. Not sure if they still are but mccoskers terminal phase males were on sale at bluezoo for 50% off.