WTB/WTT: 36'' light fixture


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey all,

I am looking for a light for my future build, a 40B. I am looking to trade a pullout couch, that is in very good shape, no tears or rips anywhere on the cushions or the mattress. It was maybe used as a bed about 6 times, and I have only had it for about 6 years since new.
It is in floral pattern, but it is a white gray floral pattern, I will attach a picture of it.
I also have a rollaway trundle bed that is in the same shape as the couch that I could trade. It fits underneats a full size bed and up (good for little kids in the parents room)
I know there are weird items but maybe someone will find them useful in their house and will trade me haha.
Both of the mattresses are twin size, but I think that the rollaway bed is a little wider than standard.
I am open to really anything lightwise, but it needs to be 36'' long. just pm me if interested and tell me what you have.
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M.A.S.C Club Member
like any trades? I have misc. trades. I have a yakima lockjaw bike rack, a yakima front wheel holder, a sony psp (holds a charge, wifi works but doesn't read a disk)
I'm not down for a trade but I have a 36 in fixture I use over my 40b....250w halide 2 blue actinics and moon lights....100 bucks if your interested. I've had it for about 6 months, now I'm going with leds.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I am very interested. How old are the bulbs? And are the actinics t5 or pc? Also could you send me a pic to my cell phone. My number is 303-827-8652