WTB WTT for a Eshopps Nano Overflow Box


M.A.S.C Club Member
Looking to run a sump on my BioCube29 and the easiest way I can think of since I have water and coral in mine to run an overflow.

Let me know what you got. Thanks


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Build a PVC one. I had one working on a frag tank for a long time with no issues. Really easy. I still have it, but it's probably too big for yours.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have heard many good and bad things about the PVC ones that it sort of scares me. Do you have a pic of yours? Can you loan it to me to see if I like and the build my own? Because I am all about cheap.


M.A.S.C Club Member


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Here is what I worked up on my frag tank. I didn't like the amount of flow going through the 1in bulkhead, so I added this.

It worked great for about 8mos until I built my larger tank. I had a water alarm zip tied on it for a little while because I was paranoid. But never had any issues. This design auto starts again if the water level drops (like when you do a water change). I swear it's magic.

I did have it in the basement though.