I have around 45 types of zoa's...missing tons only want high end ones (you are probably better off just telling me what you have ready to frag than me listing everything i have/want)
My wife likes florida ricordea's...we have orange and yellow (wouldn't mind a true blue one or red???)
I like yuma ricordea...have any super nice morphs/colors? (I have 2 different orange ones and a pinkish one).
Super amazing/rare mushrooms? Bounce, candy crush (already have jawbreaker)
Branching hammers...I have orange, highlighter yellow, highligher green, bicolor green/blue, yellow, green base w/ pink tips, green base purple tips, purple, and dark green
frogspawn I have yellow, orange, and standard green base purplish tips.
I have a gold torch, got rid of all the other torches because they stung everything...might start collecting them again once i organize my tank better.
Can't do any more anemone just no room in the tank, already have a sunburst.
Will in the near future want a clam, but right now i want to wait till i get my dosing pump set up...waiting on neptune apex doser to be released.
Fish, I would like 2 male flasher wrasse of the smaller variety. carpenter, mccoskers, linespot, yellowfin, blue