WTS equipment

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M.A.S.C Club Member
Bump, prices added. If you want to make a lower offer or offer up a trade feel free, can't hurt. Worse I can do is say no...i'll write your name down as an interested party and if the stuff does not sell in a while I'll eventually lower the price.

Nothing is posted on craigslist...giving you guys first shot at everything then i'll post on craigslist....any price reductions i'll do here a day or so before i lower them on craigs.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have around 45 types of zoa's...missing tons only want high end ones (you are probably better off just telling me what you have ready to frag than me listing everything i have/want)

My wife likes florida ricordea's...we have orange and yellow (wouldn't mind a true blue one or red???)

I like yuma ricordea...have any super nice morphs/colors? (I have 2 different orange ones and a pinkish one).

Super amazing/rare mushrooms? Bounce, candy crush (already have jawbreaker)

Branching hammers...I have orange, highlighter yellow, highligher green, bicolor green/blue, yellow, green base w/ pink tips, green base purple tips, purple, and dark green

frogspawn I have yellow, orange, and standard green base purplish tips.

I have a gold torch, got rid of all the other torches because they stung everything...might start collecting them again once i organize my tank better.

Can't do any more anemone just no room in the tank, already have a sunburst.

Will in the near future want a clam, but right now i want to wait till i get my dosing pump set up...waiting on neptune apex doser to be released.

Fish, I would like 2 male flasher wrasse of the smaller variety. carpenter, mccoskers, linespot, yellowfin, blue
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M.A.S.C Club Member
Bump, finally cleaned everything up and added a couple of pictures on craigslist. Listing at 400 on craigslist and 350 for you guys on here.

I've changed around what was included in the package so if you've seen me with different pricing that is why.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I appreciate that! It's going to go to great use! I'll be contacting everyone I need to meet up with in Denver to get a route and times set up here soon.
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