Just did some upgrading to my 90 gallon and reorganizing smaller tanks last night (yes, I was up til 1 in the morning running sand through a sieve to get the crushed coral out) and need to unload:
shmegslist ad: http://denver.craigslist.org/for/2736977627.html
Happy reefing!
- 75/90 gallon real wood stand with 2 doors,
- 45 gallon TALL with real wood stand (same color as the 75 stand), light strip, lid, sand, live plants, big driftwood piece, dual bio-wheel filter, etc,
- 55 gallon tank with a container of crushed coral and a tankful of aragonite fine live sand (just took rock and fish out last night) as well as 40 watt light strip and glass tops, might have a heater - have to check on that,
- 20 gallon tank with wrought iron double stand, light, glass top, heater, filter, sand, live plants, blue gene Jack dempsey female and brand new electric blue jack dempsey fry,
- 10 gallon tank with working light hood and sand
shmegslist ad: http://denver.craigslist.org/for/2736977627.html
Happy reefing!
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