He's looking for 50 OBO for the pair, or corals he doesn't have, such as designer zoanthids. He specifically named Darth Mauls and Blue Hornets, and said he would prefer corals to money.
I was also just informed that he wants to sell them as a pair and keep them together - apparently they will stop eating if the other isn't in the tank.
Okay so I misunderstood: neither animal will stop eating, they just eat more when the other is present. Friend also said he was willing to go down to 40 for the pair, or equivalent coral trades.
I'm actually not sure... I'm not good with names! They have a blueish center then red/pink then green. They just fragged themselves about 10 polyps. I can frag green implosion paly, maybe 1 or 2 polyps of pink and golds... That's about it right now