WTT: 7 gal mini bow and 16 bow front

Hey everyone,

I have 2 tanks I would like to trade. I am looking to trade for Zoas.

Both tanks have black trim and excellent condition!

16 gallon bow front has matching 16 gallon bow front stand in black. (awesome nano!)

I would like to trade for some cool zoos! What you have!!?? Not looking for much, just want to clear the storage room and make the GF happy (she loves zoos!)
OR FREE!!! And bring a frag is you feel like it, haha

The 16 gal is a sweet tank, really nice!!! and the 7 gal mini bow front is in perfect condition and sweet!
I would love the 16 gallon. I can bring a green nuclear pally frag or teal/brown pally frag if your interested. I bought a decent size frag of eagle eyes at reefstock, i could probably frag a couple . LMK


M.A.S.C Club Member
i'd grab the 7 if dbarnes doesn't


M.A.S.C Club Member
what are the dims of the 16 gallon?

Might work for a ATO... depending on the dims, I could do some CAR's and and I have these other sick pink zoas, not sure on the name. I thought they where cat eyes but zoalander said they where something else, something hotter. They are good size polyps, some are dang near quarter size.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Boogie its all yours, I think I would rather have like a 2 gal since its for my office desk. Price is right though.

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dang, that 7 gallon would be a great container for my ATO.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I would just use it on the nightstand as a nano/pico thing. If you guys can offer him a trade do it!
Hey maui, I can pick up the 16 gallon tomorrow around 2pm if that works for you. Or after 9pm tonight. Can you pm me your number?