WTT Corals soon

Adding a sump soon and feel its a good time to start seeing what corals we can trade. I can easily cut:
JF Jack O'lantern
Gonzos Sweet and Sour Psamacora
JF Toxic Psamacora
ReefGen Green Stylophora
ReefGen Orchid Stylophora
Pink Hallucinations (from the zoa grow contest)
Bonzi Type Acro
Blowpop Zoa
Ironman, Teal or Red Mushrooms
Hallie Berry Zoa /Rainbow Sakura

I've got more but either cant remember or know they don't frag easy. I am looking for anything that looks amazing and does well under led. PM or reply, Thanks!
Whoops Forgot pics, here is where I get the frags in my tank.
Edit: Taken from my old 2010 Droid Razer, emailed to myself and uploaded
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