So as the post says... looking to trade a large long-spine urchin for Male Banggai cardinal. I am firm on the trade, might be willing to entertain offers on the LS, but i want a male for the current female i have. I will be needing a cardinal that is rather large, probably 2 inches from tail to mouth. send me a text if you want pics of the long-spine, but hes large. probably a good 10" at least from spine to spine if he lays them down. It is a beast at tearing down algae, of all kinds, and as long as algae is present or supplemented it wont go for corals. This guys rather large for my system. Also if you arent wanting to trade for the male banggai, shoot me a price on one if you have it.
text me @ 832-771-1137 for pics or any other questions
text me @ 832-771-1137 for pics or any other questions