WTT/WTB: I HAVE corals - I NEED 48' light or HELP me fund one!

**OK, yeah, it doesn't have to be 48 feet long, dang fat fingers, lol******

My canopy is super tall which is nice, but it's made for a smaller tank (55g) and I would like to be able to see into my kitchen. It's blocking my view to the TV, and we all know that is unacceptable.

Looking for a 48" light - needs a decent amount of wattage (maybe 4x54?). Not interested in an all-LED fixture. Would prefer something like a quad T5 - fan is a must unless the fixture stays pretty cool. Moonlights are a plus but not make it/break it. It really has to have legs as I would prefer not to have to suspend anything from my ceiling and I don't want to lay it on the tank. Doesn't have to come with bulbs but it would be necessary to demonstrate it working.

I have the following for trade - will add cash if necessary:
  • my dual 175w metal halide fixtures/ballasts/reflectors/wiring with month old bulbs
  • VHO T12 ballast/endcaps/wiring/brand new actinic 454 bulb - the ballast can run 2 110w VHO's (I only choose to run one currently) and the bulb gives a nice blue glow - has a spot where the cord got nicked but it's repaired
  • the above lights WITH the 55g wood canopy (see the ad I have for the canopy last week) they are in or I can remove them so you can install them in yours
  • I just fragged my pink zipper zoas, eagle eye zoas and nuclear green palys so I will be hanging onto these for just a few days to make sure they are going to make it OK, might be willing to part with RBTA (update: sold), also have a big pink duncan that glows green and blue under led-probably baseball size when all the heads are open, baby frogspawn frag, fuzzy mushrooms, toadstools, a football-sized chunk of barnacle rock covered with hundreds of gorilla nipple zoas - the skirts are bright orange/red under led, kenya trees, I can frag a piece of finger leather (glows yellow and bright green under led), clove polyps, GSP, pipe organ, candy cane, green/purple chalice I picked up with a tank I bought recently, mystery coral (see below), etc.
For those looking for lights, sorry, I can't sell mine until I find a new fixture - too much livestock that depends on them, but I might have to scrunch them all into my 30g pretty soon if I don't find a replacement so keep an eye out. I would also consider selling many of these corals to fund a new fixture. I'll even throw in a hunk of chaeto, lol.

Please PM me with what you have and we can discuss further. Keep in mind I live in Broomfield (yes, it's BFE, lol) so I can't really bring corals to you or meet with them somewhere. I prefer to leave them in the tank until they are sold. That way you can see exactly what you are getting and the environment they are coming from.

The skirts on these gorilla nipples glow much nicer than this but my camera sucks:

The thing in the middle right below my frag of red zoas (not for sale) can go - if anyone knows what it is, let me know - it's pretty flat and glows yellow and blue under led:

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