Hi masc. So my family and I just got back from our trip to yellow stone and glacier on monday. Sorry it took me so long to do this, my photobucket account was having problems. Any way, we did all the geisers, mud pots, springs, the cannon, and other stuff for the first 4 days with out much incident. On our last day in yellow stone we got stuck in a two hour traffic jam behind buffalo. Some one decided to put a chip in one of the fresh buffalo chips on the road. After that ordeal we drove my dad to the airport near the tetons, since he had to go back to work. My mom and I then drove to glacier. Due to the %500 snow fall the had had that year, we couldn't go to the top. Instead we kind of just drove around the lake areas, and lodge pole. Near lodge pole we saw a mountain lion. I only had about 10 seconds to snap a picture, so it's a little fuzzy. We also saw a tone of dear and a few mountain goats. From there we drove home. On the way we stopped at a fire work store and got some fire works from the colorado legal section they had. We got mostly fountains and sparklers. The biggest one is called UNDER WATER FURRY! Here's some of the best photos from the trip.