So as many of you know i was gone for 6 weeks. I am extremely fortunate to have an internship with the Albuquerque Zoo's vet clinic so here are a few of the animals i got to work with.
Temple viper, getting x rayed for eggs
Wolf's Guenon monkey getting a birth control implant
Feeding peanuts to my favorite orang, Mammala
Emerald green tree boa being euthanized for having inclusion body disease. Its a highly contagious viral disease that effects boas and mambas. This poor guy was so messed up from the disease.
Rock hyracs, closest living relative to elephants. You can see their little tusks in this picture.
13 ft long saltwater croc at lunch time
Wombat, we are the only facility to have the common wombat in the US
Tree kangaroo getting weighed after an eye check up. She had both her lenses removed last summer.
Temple viper, getting x rayed for eggs

Wolf's Guenon monkey getting a birth control implant

Feeding peanuts to my favorite orang, Mammala

Emerald green tree boa being euthanized for having inclusion body disease. Its a highly contagious viral disease that effects boas and mambas. This poor guy was so messed up from the disease.

Rock hyracs, closest living relative to elephants. You can see their little tusks in this picture.

13 ft long saltwater croc at lunch time

Wombat, we are the only facility to have the common wombat in the US

Tree kangaroo getting weighed after an eye check up. She had both her lenses removed last summer.