APRIL Meeting - ITS FINALLY DBTC TIME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
deboy69;347532 said:
Don't forget your dip solutions if you don't have any order some or get the bug killer from Home Depot

MASC will have both Bayer, and Revive available at the meeting for anyone that doesn't have these.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm just going to donate a bunch of easier sticks since I wont be able to make the meeting. Whose in fort Collins that I can drop the frags off with?


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
M.A.S.C President
M.A.S.C Webmaster
Hmmm, well I was all stoked for this, but just realized I wont even be in the country for this event :( Not sure why that didn't occur to me sooner but was thinking this was this weekend for some reason.
Oh well Ill be in Cancun for this and doing some deep sea fishin, snorkeling and being a beach bum :)

I do however have a few frags that I was planning on donating, if anyone want to come get them and take them there you can have the tickets for them. Just pm me, but have a baby blue chalice, 2 idaho grape montis and a grn toadstool


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Coming this Saturday!!! First post updated, but here is a quick reminder of some important info:

Check-in will start at 1pm .....there will be a cut-off time for check in, it will probably be around 1:45-2pm (final cut-off time to will be in this time frame after all corrals on site are checked in) after the cut-off you will NOT be able to register any more corals so try to be there by 1:45 pm at the absolute latest please!!!!!!!

Frag Entry Process: Ideally each DBTC contributed to the swap, would look like this for all potential coral check in scenarios we might potentially use:

  1. Each Frag in Separate Pee Cup (zip lock bag if necessary, but not preferred**)
  2. Pee Cup Top labeled on top with both frag name/type and username (either directly on cap or a label of some type of label placed on the cap)
  3. Hand written or printed list of all coral frags you are entering into the swap (hopefully this matches the corals you check in)

* If the coral name/type is unknown - don't worry we can help ID when you check, you can also post a clear picture under normal lighting (not all blue) here, and we may be able to identify before hand.
** If using zip lock bags for transportation, please use quality locking bags and plan to place a label on the bag for coral name/type

There will not be extra bags or pee cups there or time to re-bag them ...and nobody wants to take a coral home in their pocket

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
We will have both Bayer Insecticide and Revive Coral Cleaner available at the meeting if you don't already have these. Below are instructions for there use.

ReVive: (from the label):
Directions: Mix 4 capfuls of Revive per gallon of clean, aged seawater at room temperature in a bucket or other container suitable for bathing the coral. Bathe coral in this mixture for at least a few minutes, up to 15 minutes, while gently swirling it or using an air stone for agitation. After the bath, remove coral from the mixture and place it in a saltwater aquarium with moderate water flow. The mix may be discarded, or it may be used for cleaning other corals. Discard the used mix after 1 hour.

* note * I generally rinse in clean (untreated) tank water before returning to my tank.

Bayer Insecticide: (this is more of a home remedy that has been used in the hobby for quite some time)
I'm going to provide links from a couple sources as I take no responsibility for its use, or dose (and I'm sure neither does Bayer)
Cherry Corals: http://www.cherrycorals.com/news/coraldips/
Murfreesboro Aquatics: http://boroaquatics.com/blogs/articles/17033867-proper-dipping-of-corals-the-bayer-method

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yes yes yes, it's very important you bring your list and your corals are labeled (assuming you know what they are). Remember just because a coral doesn't have a fancy name or you forgot the name doesn't mean it's now worry. If you don't know the name at all or even what type, I suggest taking a picture with your phone or tablet or something and bring it along with you to check in. I'm sure someone in check in had a decent idea of what it might be.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
djromo;348505 said:
Hey guys quick question. I am still trying to make this meeting. It will be my first. is it OK to bring my daughter with me??
Absolutely - ANY ONE AND EVERYONE is invited to each and every MASC EVENT or MEETING!!! We are a family and friends based community and the golden rule is:

The Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado is dedicated to the endorsement, education, and fellowship of marine aquarium hobbyists. - from MASC Mission Statement
Hey all, does anyone have a hole saw to drill glass? I'm in desperate need of drilling my tank this weekend so I can get it going. If anyone could help I would be very grateful. I'm thinking a 1 inch hole, its for a 40 breeder, so I'm not real sure exactly what size I'd need. I want to use flexible hose for both return and drain.
