DBTC Jake Adams Yellow tip acro


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So had a little mishap recently and sadly lost most of the yellow tip acro colony that Jake gave me, however I did manage to save a few frags that now need a new home.
For this DBTC though, any future frags from this coral need to be DBTC'd and not sold, ever, As that is how Jake would have wanted it.
I can bring these to Reefstock too if you are going.

Either way I have 3 frags up for grabs


M.A.S.C Club Member
I'd be honored to have a frag of that and could meet you at Reefstock.

Interested in frag of anything in return? I have at least 4 corals that originated at one point with colonies jake had at the studio, including this interesting birdsnest he wrote about: https://reefbuilders.com/2021/02/26...-unique-cross-of-popular-seriatopora-strains/

Also have enchanted forest birdsnest, manilla spy monti, crystal experiment monti that I think came indirectly to me via Jake, if you'd want any of those... happy to swap for something else too


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I'm planning to come by reefstock late afternoon today if you still want to pass off that frag there (should be there around 2 pm ish)


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Sorry didnt see you there. I took off a bit after 3.
Ill be up there from like 12-4 or so tomorrow if you coming by again