Recent content by cremer9

  1. cremer9


    Looking to get cheap macros for my Nano
  2. cremer9

    Free SPS or trade

    Location please
  3. cremer9

    Green hammer

    Yeah, my RO system old. My phosphates are probably high. I’m not sure what N03 is
  4. cremer9

    Green hammer

    I’ve had some hair algae so I added hermit crabs and snails but now I notice some heads floating from my hammers I see small new growth but don’t like the tips falling off.
  5. cremer9

    Black clown and coral banded shrimp

    Did you find a home for the shrimp
  6. cremer9

    Black clown and coral banded shrimp

    If scchase don’t pick up I’ll take the shrimp I’m in Lakewood
  7. cremer9

    ReefBuilders garage sale Saturday 08/10 from 12-4pm

    What the address is it in the same building as coda brewing where is the studio?
  8. cremer9

    Free Frags: Zoas, montis, acans, blastos, chalices. Lots of good sized frags.

    What’s your location what do you need for it
  9. cremer9

    Free Frags: Zoas, montis, acans, blastos, chalices. Lots of good sized frags.

    Do you have any CUC’s I’ll take crabs, snails or whatever you got anything that will help with hair algae
  10. cremer9

    Hydor Koralia Smart Wave Pump 2 Channel Controller

    Running the pump every 15 on and 15 off E. The two clowns just hang out in the slow spots in the tank
  11. cremer9

    Hydor Koralia Smart Wave Pump 2 Channel Controller

    So I have a jbj 12 gallon nano with a Sicce 1.5 250 gph in the back that runs all the time and have a Sicce micra 90 gph on the controller,My question is what is the best setting for the micra Every A.5SEC B.10SEC C.15SEC D.1MIN E.15MIN F.30MIN G.1HRS H.3hrs Fish feed Fish feed I.6HRS fish feed...
  12. cremer9

    Free Clowns

    they are eating right away thank you
  13. cremer9

    Free Clowns

    I can pick up your off 6th right
  14. cremer9

    Leaving hobby need to sell everything

    How much for the 10 Ro reservoir I can pick up