Recent content by rmougey

  1. rmougey

    WTB: 150DD or Other Larger 36 Inch Tank

    I have an Oceanic 120, 24x24x48 with original pine stand. Drilled for two overflows. This glass tank (and I use the word metaphorically) is just occupying space in my basement. It has a glass center brace. They built them strong.
  2. rmougey

    Seeking Volunteers for Reefstock - Feb 28 - Mar 2

    Would you like to help out at Reefstock? We would love to hear from you. If you can volunteer for two 4 hour shifts, or one - two 8 hour days, please reach out. We are looking for assistance during setup on these dates and times: Friday, Noon - 8pm: Water delivery, organizational tasks...
  3. rmougey

    Reefstock is coming! Mar 1-2, 2025 Delta Marriott Hotel, I-25 & 120th Ave - Tickets available now!!

    The show floor has sold out! We've added a marine plant aquascaping contest. Remember that kiddos are free, so be sure to drop into the Kids Zone. The speaker lineup is posted as well. If you want to hang out in the evening, grab a hotel room for $159. Room bookings close Feb 6th. Some...
  4. rmougey

    Reefstock is coming! Mar 1-2, 2025 Delta Marriott Hotel, I-25 & 120th Ave - Tickets available now!!

    It's that time of the year when we start planning for hot corals and cool speakers. Reefstock is just around the corner. Please plan on joining us for a day or the weekend! You can find more information, including tickets, schedules and hotel reservation on our website: Reefstock Both daily...
  5. rmougey

    Free - 55g/Stand/Lights, 30g Glass Tank Only, Interesting Skimmer - Golden, CO

    Good question.... I'd guess around 30x12x18 give or take. I'll be there tomorrow and will take a quick peek.
  6. rmougey

    Free - 55g/Stand/Lights, 30g Glass Tank Only, Interesting Skimmer - Golden, CO

    Free gear for those who might need to setup a QT or possibly a new tank. Items are located in Golden. Good reefing karma is ensured by not reselling these items. If you get them and decide that you no longer need them, please pass them on to a deserving reef keeper. - 55G w/Black 'wood'...
  7. rmougey

    Fish for Sale - Shutting down Larger Tank

    Great fish and prices too! I'd be all over that P. imperator if he was bigger or smaller, but at his size he'd likely not enjoy the company of my P. chrysurus. That queen was an excellent choice!!
  8. rmougey

    Large Coral Flats (~200g) for Sale - 8'x4'x11" w/Stands - Golden

    Two flats sold. One pending for N1tew0lf212.
  9. rmougey

    Large Coral Flats (~200g) for Sale - 8'x4'x11" w/Stands - Golden

    It will fit a single mattress in a pinch.... it might grow on her?? :)
  10. rmougey

    Large Coral Flats (~200g) for Sale - 8'x4'x11" w/Stands - Golden

    Greetings, Three coral flats are for sale, one available to pick up now. The remaining two flats will be available in the coming weeks. You may choose to take one or all three. Pickup is in Golden. You'll need to bring a truck and a good friend or two. No pumps or lights, just three flats...
  11. rmougey

    Do any of you use Ozone?

    Kudos to Visualsnow for such a great writeup! I can speak to using ozone many years ago. Front ending your ozone generator with a desiccant to remove excess moisture improved the output significantly. Using an ORP Controller ensures that you didn't fry the inhabitants by keeping your ORP below...
  12. rmougey

    Thank You for Joining us at Reefstock - And for Supporting Reef Adams

    It was great to see everyone at Reefstock this year. The support from the local community really makes this show possible. I enjoyed speaking with many folks from MASC as well as CAS and am particularly thankful to all of our volunteers. You guys rock! The Silent Auction was new and...
  13. rmougey


    One more: Reef Beef Meat-up - Rich & Ben doing whatever Rich & Ben do. Saturday @ 9am (yes, prior to show open) in the speaker room. No ticket required. I hear there might be cookies. If you haven't watched Rich Ross & Ben Johnson, add a bit of irreverence to your life here...