Recent content by Smiley

  1. Smiley

    Few things FS

    will do, thank you!
  2. Smiley

    Free 180 gallon tank

    still have this ?
  3. Smiley

    How many gallons does the club have II

    10202 + 570 = 10,772
  4. Smiley

    Few things FS

    oh man, youll have to save me one of those packs for when im actually ready lol.
  5. Smiley

    How many gallons does the club have II

    Currently i have 570...
  6. Smiley

    Smileys Place

    Man I have a billion of these on my glass...
  7. Smiley


    it runs about 75psi. i had a booster but it burned out and havent really needed it that i know of
  8. Smiley


    ahh sorry, i have the brs 5 stage ro/di with dual membranes. The water in Loveland seems to be pretty good but my prefilters turn brown real quick... i still get some red bacteria in my wc barrel, but the tds claims to be at 52 in and zero out.
  9. Smiley


    I change my prefilter about every month, my carbon filters about every 4 months, and my membranes once a year. Di resin when the color changes which is currently about every 6 months as well. .my waste line feeds my planted tetra tank and my jack dempsey tank, those both drain to the sewer..
  10. Smiley

    Smileys Place

    Tanks are all running, added a large cuc from reafcleaners and today i scored a tiger pistol, wheelers gobi, 6-line, and a starry all from Aquatic Art. Love that store!
  11. Smiley

    Thank you for having what I wanted!

    Stopped in today on my rounds of Denver shops looking for the beginnings of my new inhabitants. Found EXACTLY what I was wanting. Didnt need to go further. Nice store Sir! Will definitely be back many many more times.
  12. Smiley

    Everything must go

    whats your reef octo rated for?
  13. Smiley

    My 5 words you Continue - Part Deuce

    this week has been nuts!
  14. Smiley

    I couldnt stay away apparently...

    thats sad.. there used to be some amazing pics on here
  15. Smiley

    RO nipple supplier

    lowes has em, they dont know they have em, but they are on the wall of nylon fittings..