Recent content by Stithe

  1. S

    WTB: 150DD or Other Larger 36 Inch Tank

    Shoot me a text @ 801-369-8636. I have a few leads for you.
  2. S

    WTB Neptune 1 Link Cables x3

    I am looking to buy some Neptune 1 link cables if anyone has some spares laying around. Happy to trade for frags or fresh phyto that I harvest weekly. Please let me know if anyone has some laying around that I can pickup. Thanks! James 801-369-8636...
  3. S

    Flatworm stop

    I have a half bottle in Ft Collins area...not sure on expiration date
  4. S

    LF Classic Apex EB8

    I know I have at least 1 maybe 2 of them. Not sure on their working status. Shoot me a text. 801-369-8636
  5. S

    Wtb sump

    I have a a Trigger Saphine 44 for sale. $200. Ft Collins area, or can drop off in Lafayette area as needed...
  6. S

    Automatic Fish Feeders

    I have both. I love both. The avast I use for both more powdery and bulky foods (freeze dried mysis). The neuptune I use for just pellets. I also have a bunch of the cheap-o ones that I've used for a long time on my fresh water systems if you want one of those.
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    FS Korallin BioDenitrator (No3) Nitrate Filter S-1502 w/ Eheim 1048 Pump

    Can you shoot me a text? I might want to pick this up. 801-369-8636
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    On the hunt for - horse trough

    I think mine is only the 100g size one.... But I do have multiple 44g brute barrels as well...10+ if that works as an alternative.
  9. S

    On the hunt for - horse trough

    I might have one that you can borrow for the move. Let me see if I can dig it out of storage.... Shoot me a text 801-369-8636
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    Tank liquidation

    Kris, I can pick up for you sometime if needed. I work like 10 minutes from there.
  11. S

    Tank Breakdown

    I still have all the skimmers (I think there are 5 in total I need to sell). I also have 6x Hydrs 26.
  12. S

    Tank Breakdown

    I think I sold the Icecap ATO, but I have a number of other ones. Shoot me a text and I can show you what I have. 801-369-8636
  13. S

    Coral saw?

    SynDen is right, a dremel with a diamond wheel ($15-20) is great for just doing a few small frags.