Recent content by Vested

  1. Vested

    Help with something found on corals

    Really hard to tell from you pictures with the blue light, 0 no3/po4 sounds like dinos though.
  2. Vested

    WTB: 150DD or Other Larger 36 Inch Tank

    Thinking about swapping tanks soon personally, not the same cube dimensions but if your interested in a 60x30x20 160g custom planet aquariums tank lmk
  3. Vested

    How do you all deal with Dinos?

    Those are ostreopsis for sure they are toxic. UV at the right strength will wipe them out because they go into the water column, otherwise get your nutrients up a lot more. Atleast 1ppm po4
  4. Vested

    Aiptasia Control Question

    Yup kalk and lye, it will raise your ph though so be careful I usually like to let it sit for an hr and then suck out as much as I can. Peps or copperband ultimately though
  5. Vested

    SteveT's 600Gs (tons of pics!!)

    I've really been liking monthly triton icps and making a master solution with captiv8, chris wood is super helpful over email if you have any questions on the elements. You will be surprised how low a lot of stuff actually is, waterchanges don't do s*** for supplementing trace. All of salts I've...
  6. Vested

    WTB Monti cap near Ft. Collins.

    oh sorry purple, dang used to have a bunch dont think so anymore ill check
  7. Vested

    WTB Monti cap near Ft. Collins.

    underwater wonders in fort collins, should have a couple pieces if not can cut some.
  8. Vested

    Diamond in the Rough

    Awesome glad things are looking better :)
  9. Vested

    120 Build

    Thats weird Steve always responded to my emails but last time I ordered something was 3 years ago, did you ever talk to him?
  10. Vested

    WTB berghia

    Dang I dont have facebook, im sure hes got a bunch of other people asking already though
  11. Vested

    WTB berghia

    I have some in a few tanks hoping to get a population going, if im lucky it could be months though. I'll let you know, F*** APTASIA
  12. Vested

    TOTM July to August

    My midas, love these fish and how they "sit" everywhere.