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  1. Haddonisreef

    Cleaning out fish room

    Have a few things to unload if you see something place reach out to me trident with three mths reagent 100 sold 400 watt ballast and reflector 50 5’ t-5 aqua medic space light 25 20 gallon bow front 20 40/50 gallon tank 25
  2. Haddonisreef


    Hope someone can use this great unit, has been off line for about a yr. Have three mths of reagent, original box. Asking 125
  3. Haddonisreef


    Anyone looking for one? Pm me if so had one walk up the glass and is currently in frag tank.
  4. Haddonisreef

    Jaw breakers

    Have a few to get rid of two mothers with tons of red pm for details
  5. Haddonisreef

    Moca storms and sunburst

    Asking 600 nem in about 5” across
  6. Haddonisreef

    45 jbj

    Been set up for about 5 mths and well I just do t have time for this tank. So new home it needs. Here’s what it comes with- 45 jbj aio Heater 30” nico bar blue 30lb live rock asking 500