15 gallon nano build


M.A.S.C Club Member
when i get ready to start stocking it i will probably take you up on that offer. right now i just got a great deal on LR so the 15 is beig used as a holding tank for it tell i can find room in my 55. i might just go with hanging it i dont want to deal with heat issues. how much are you asking for vho set up??


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
tlsrcs;130607 said:
i might just go with hanging it i dont want to deal with heat issues. how much are you asking for vho set up??
check out the for sale thread I have. There's been no interest in it, so I would give you a sweet deal if you wanted. You could probably rig up a hanging fixture with the hardware or you could use the canopy. If you're on a budget this might make sense and I grew everything under them with good results. I'll admit however, the T5s I have now really make the colors look better and they're brighter. LEDs would be sweet too.


M.A.S.C Club Member
ok so i have done a little more to the tank.....Thanks to boogie i have some pumps and LR once i get the sump plumbed up i will arrange the aquascape one last time. (i cant right now cause of the HOB intake is in the way) So here are some picture updates!


M.A.S.C Club Member
ok some updates...got the new light but did notice it has a 6500k bulb. so they are supposed to be sending me the 15k that was supposed to come with it we will see what they relly do. But man the GSP love the light....i am haing a issue with heat but i think if i suspend the light above the tank it will help. Also i have some wonderfull red alage but again the 6500k bulb is probably not helping the issue at all! but here are some pics (one is the GSP, one of the actnic t5s and one with the t5s and the 6500k)