Thank you Zombie for your support, but I believe value is a personal opinion and has some to do with circumstances. I can buy a new tank from my LFS for $825 and they are 5 miles away. Craig's tank is 300 miles away and I don't own a truck. I had planned on building my own stand therefore I am trying to justify buying a used tank and taking the risk of transporting it a long distance which could ultimately stress the glass and joints enough to increase the odds of developing a leak, I don't really need the stand but am willing to pay for it since it is a package deal and it sounds like Craig is done dealing.
$700 (used) 180-gal tank + $100 (gas) + $20 lunch and beer (truck rental) = $820
$825 (new) 180-gal tank + $20 truck rental + $50 tax = $895
How would you call it? If I lived in Denver or if there was more added value it would be a much sweeter deal.
My apologies if I have cluttered Craig's thread or spoke out of line.