180 gallon tank stand and canopy for sale

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Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
If I wasn't building my own stand I would be all over this.


M.A.S.C Club Member
More information

Craigar;362649 said:
Bump not going any lower
Could you tell me more about your tank and what comes with it? Is the sump & refugium still included, power heads, pump, etc.:noidea:


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thread cleaned up. If you're interested please ask if you're just commenting on price please refrain from cluttering up Craig's thread.



M.A.S.C Club Member
Thank you Zombie for your support, but I believe value is a personal opinion and has some to do with circumstances. I can buy a new tank from my LFS for $825 and they are 5 miles away. Craig's tank is 300 miles away and I don't own a truck. I had planned on building my own stand therefore I am trying to justify buying a used tank and taking the risk of transporting it a long distance which could ultimately stress the glass and joints enough to increase the odds of developing a leak, I don't really need the stand but am willing to pay for it since it is a package deal and it sounds like Craig is done dealing.
$700 (used) 180-gal tank + $100 (gas) + $20 lunch and beer (truck rental) = $820
$825 (new) 180-gal tank + $20 truck rental + $50 tax = $895
How would you call it? If I lived in Denver or if there was more added value it would be a much sweeter deal.
My apologies if I have cluttered Craig's thread or spoke out of line.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Balz3352;362728 said:
You can get a new 180 with stand and canopy for 825?
He said he could get just the tank new for that and was planning on building his own stand.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Bump will trade for someone to draw up my garage addition to my house it needs to be to scale and engineered I can throw cash in if needed.

The addition will be 30'x60' with 16' walls one garage door two man doors and eve windows


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Craigar;361697 said:
Can always make space
What lights do u currently have on it?
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