180 RR Tank - I know Im laughing with you

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
I know, I know, laughing stock of MASC......need to sell recently purchased 180 gallon All Glass reef ready tank. Jumped the gun on the purchase and after countless hours of thinking,debating,contemplating, mind numbing pacing and honestly/unfortunately regretful thinking .....I need to sell. To further add insult to injury I am leaving the country for 10 days (leaving in 8 days) and don't feel at all comfortable leaving such a large new tank with house sitter. Going to sell for prices that will cover my investment. So here is how the sale will go......I will sell the complete tank with Live rock for $800.

Tank 72x24x24, stand, canopy, lights (3-150w mh and 4 92w pc), sump, return pump,
AquaC Protein skimmer w/ pump, 4 new never touched water installed bulkheads,
brand new 100lbs CaribSea Arg Live sand - $650
Pending CL sale

Extremely generous on weight 150# (prob closer to 180-200) of live rock - tons of large polyps, coraline algae and sponges. - $300
Pending CL sale

MP40 #1 - $250 (both pending pick up tonight)
Next in line - Hooked for 1
- Bulldog for both

MP40 #2 - $250 (both pending pick up tonight)

2- Aqua Medic dosing pumps (1 needs new inner tube) and tons of BRS chemicals for it -$125

I am fairly certain these are fair prices, but open to offers. Obviously I will need to sell live rock first before the tank if buying separate. Because I need to sell the tank (at min live rock) before I leave, I will also be putting the tank for sale on CL. As foolish and as much as it extremely saddens me and breaks my heart to part with this dream tank/setup, it needs to be done. Pics below are of tank just before I purchased it.

Please pm me for more details and to setup a time to come by and check everything out. I will be updating post with line up for individual purchases should the sale go that way.


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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wish we had our taxes back. Would do almost anything to convince the wife we needed this.


M.A.S.C Club Member
i could take some of the rock for you i just can not spend that much right now on rock that will sit in my sump tell someone else needs some


M.A.S.C Club Member
but if you need somewhere to store it i have a few rubbermaids your rock could occupy tell you sell it. since your leaving town and all.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Tyson, you're a rock pimp. LOL


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Nice, hope they buy it.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Can't believe this sold so fast...

guess my offer to trade you mmj and guns wasn't good enough. Oh well.

;) grats on the quick sale.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Lol, I was just joking...that's usually what I get offered when I sell on Craigslist.

That being said, wish I had space for a larger tank, because I do have something nice that I'd be willing to trade...